Individual Psychotherapy

With the guidance of my empowering psychotherapy and tailored courses, you’ll gain the tools to identify and transform troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

The boost in confidence you gain will aid you in making wiser choices, from the big ones to the small, resulting in a life filled with renewed energy and clear direction.

Self development

Individual Psychotherapy

During our sessions, I wholeheartedly listen to your own reflections, enabling you to experience personal growth and evolve into the person you aspire to be.
Witness your inner strength flourish as anxiety lessens its grip on you. Through enhanced self-awareness, you’ll navigate life’s challenges with wisdom, understanding your reactions and emotions.

Whether it’s within your family, friendships, academic circles, or workplace, you’ll notice improved connections and dynamics across the board almost immediately.  
Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Reach out and let’s discuss how you can experience a more purposeful and harmonious life.

Through MindRelation™ transformative psychotherapy and courses, you can:

  • Gain a better understanding and knowledge about yourself
  • Develop a skillset that you can rely on to navigate life’s challenges
  • Map out your emoitions in a visual MindMap ‘compass‘ , so you can better understand your feelings and guide your reactions
  • Feel more comfortable around other people and enjoy their company
  • Go from having social anxiety to feeling confident and at ease in social situations.
  • Discover and cherish your own identity, and what you mean to other people.
  • Start liking and even loving yourself!

Even when life throws you a curveball, you’ll know how to find your feet again. You’ll have the tools and resources you need to get back on track and live a happy, fulfilling life.

I feel more confident and happy, thanks to Viva

It feels so good to know, that I can handle the different challenges in my life and get through them feeling ok after

I wish I had known what I know now much sooner

Reach out

Book a talk with me and we can talk about how you can live a life with more confidence and happiness, which you deserve!