Values in life

Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.  They are what make you feel happy and help you to make the right choices for you. When your choices and behaviour match your values, you feel satisfied and at peace.

Your Unique Values

Get To Know Them

MindRelation™  can help you to identify your true values and help you to live in accordance with them. When you live by your values, life is good, you’re satisfied and at peace with yourself and others. 
If you however are living a life that is not in line with your personal values, then things feel wrong, tension builds up, and you can feel unhappy, frustrated, stressed, and depressed.

This, in turn, can even lead to physical pain and suffering, because the mind and body are more connected than we might typically assume. 

This is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so critical to your well-being, and during the process of identifying them, you will learn to understand yourself better.

Some values you will want to keep and others you will decide to let go as you gain more knowledge about yourself and the relationships to your loved ones.

I was so confused about everything and really bad at making choices for myself and my life. Viva helped me to identify my values and they give me direction in my daily doings and in my life choices, it feels good


Let’s Dive Into Your Family Values

At MindRelation™ , we know that every family is a unique tapestry woven with values that shape your relationships. Let’s explore the different threads together.

Core values

These are the values that resonate deep within you, the ones you hold close to your heart. They’re the ones you’ll always cherish and carry forward to ensure you a flourishing future.

Passed down values

Sometimes, your upbringing hands you values that may or may not fit your current life.

When you have taken a close look at your values, you will be able to decide which values to keep, which to let go of, and which to transform for you to free yourself from subconscious constraints holding you back. It can give you a strong sense of relief.

Reinvented values

It’s natural to feel attached to values rooted in your heritage and loved ones, even if they need a little updating.

We’ll work to align them with the person you’re becoming without losing the sense of connection to your birthright and background.

New values

During our conversations, you’ll discover new values that mirror your evolving self and how you’d like to authentically show up in the world.

These fresh insights will guide your choices, enhance your relationships and bring clarity and purpose.

Don’t Wait

Reach out to me and let’s embark on a journey of discovering your family’s unique values and strengthening the bonds that matter most. Your family’s story is waiting to be rewritten with values that truly resonate.